Peer Pressure and Social Development: Always a Negative Thing
Peer Pressure and Social Development: Always a Negative Thing – Peer pressure is a phenomenon that shows up in all kinds of situations, from school to the workplace. You might have heard people say things like “I don’t know how I’m going to do it” or “Is this what everyone else is doing?” because they are being pressured by their peers.
Peer pressure can be very powerful, especially when people are younger and less equipped to make decisions on their own. This article will discuss why peer pressure can be a negative thing and how parents can help their children deal with it.
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Signs of Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can be both subtle and completely open and obvious depending on the people involved. If you suspect your child is dealing with peer pressure watch for some of these signs:
- Changes in behavior
- Being more conscious of their self-image
- Low moods
- Making social comparisons
- Avoiding school or other social situations
- Expressing that they feel they don’t fit in
Peer pressure happens at any age.
It’s important to understand that peer pressure can happen at any age. While it is most common for teenagers to be the target of this type of social influence, it can also affect adults and children alike. The good news is that as we get older, we are better able to handle these types of situations because we are more confident in our own opinions and thoughts.
Negative Peer Pressure
The easiest way to explain positive versus negative pressures is that it’s the difference between being pressured to do something you want to do versus being pressured into doing something you don’t want to do or something dangerous or damaging.
Examples of common negative peer pressure would include encouraging to skip school, encouraging fighting, or bullying, and pressuring a friend to drink or try drugs.
The teenage years are when peer pressure is most intense.
The teenage years are the most critical time for social development, and peer pressure is often intense during this time. Teens are more likely to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco if their friends do too. But while peer pressure can be a positive influence on teenagers—encouraging them to stay away from risky behaviors like smoking or drinking—it’s also linked to high-risk behaviors like binge drinking or drug use.
The best way to cope with peer pressure is to keep your wits about you and think carefully before making any decisions that could harm your health or reputation. Take time out by yourself so that you don’t feel pressured into doing something dangerous just because everyone else seems comfortable doing it too!
In general, peer pressure leads to negative behavior
Peer pressure is a negative thing in general. It’s not just about drugs and alcohol, it can lead to other bad behavior. This is especially true for teenagers.
Peer pressure can also encourage people to participate in risky behaviors like driving drunk or putting themselves into dangerous situations at parties or clubs because everyone else around them seems totally fine with it—and if there’s one thing we know about teenagers: they want what everyone else seems totally fine with having!
The best way to avoid peer pressure is to know yourself better.
The best way to avoid peer pressure is to know yourself better. Know what you value and be able to say no! When someone tells you that your values are wrong or that you should act differently than how you would like to, don’t let them influence your behavior. You should stand up for yourself if someone says something hurtful about who you are or what you believe in. Whether it’s a friend pressuring another friend into doing something sexual or an adult telling some kids not to vote for Hillary Clinton because “girls aren’t smart enough for politics” (or whatever), we all have the right and responsibility to stand up against such opinions when they’re harmful towards others’ goals of personal development.
Surrounding yourself with good people who share your values is also important.
As you grow up and begin to interact with people in your community, it’s important that you surround yourself with good people who share your values and beliefs. This is because it’s hard for someone to be their best self if they’re surrounded by negative or bad influences.
If you have friends who are negative or unhelpful, then it may be time for you to find other friends who can support you better. It’s okay if some of them aren’t perfect either; just as long as they make you feel good about yourself when they’re around!
Teens are more likely to try drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and electronic cigarettes if their friends do too.
Peer pressure is one of the most common reasons why teens start smoking and drinking. The influence of friends is a strong force, and if your friends are drinking or smoking, you’re very likely to do it as well.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 11% of the total alcohol consumption in the US is accomplished by teens between the ages of 12 and 20! By 12th grade, 66% of students have already tried alcohol.
Bad habits can be contagious among teenagers, and some habits can do long-term damage to health and development.
Some habits can do long-term damage to health and development. The fact that teenagers are so impressionable means it’s important for parents and guardians to be aware of the potential negative effects of peer pressure.
The best way to avoid peer pressure is to know yourself better.
Surrounding yourself with good people who share your values is also important. By getting to know your own strengths, weaknesses, and likes/dislikes, you’ll have a better chance at avoiding bad influences without feeling like they’re coming from within your group of friends or family members (which can be hard as an adult, too).